Microwave Chocolate Orange Raisin Cakes

The sheer simplicity of this recipe piqued my curiosity. The fact that it actually worked won me over! The promise of a chocolate treat (from scratch) in under 20 minutes? Surely, you jest! But I am happy to report that it works! and even better, that it works well.

Heres what I did:
1. Original recipe from Gourmet via Epicurious.com
2. Substituted whole wheat pastry flour for all purpose flour.
3. Tried various combinations of rum/Grand Marnier and raisins, dates, cranberries.
4. No glaze.

The verdict:
I got four servings out of the recipe. I didn't miss the glaze at all. Once cooled, the cakes were gooey, sweet and chocolatey. The cakes are best made in small portions as they don't hold up when frozen or refrigerated. Its a good recipe when you're strapped for time or just need a quick, comforting warm chocolate dessert thats not a sugar bomb. To cut to the chase, gentle reader, if I were stranded on a dessert island (ha ha) with a microwave, this is the recipe, I'd take with me.

I am quite enamored with this recipe - and could not resist sharing it. It goes to:
1. Since its so low on electric tools and requires under 5 minutes of total microwave time, its going to: Black Salt for Lights Out, Knives Out April 2. Srivalli at Cooking for All Seasons who is hosting Microwave Cooking: Cakes.
3. Lets nix the Grand Marnier and pinch some pennies. Substitute with orange juice and share it with Ginny at Just Get Floury for the Dollar Dish Duel!


Srivalli said…
haha...out with one entry and bang on three!..great strategy!...:D..looks too tempting!
Lore said…
These look delicious! I love a fast dessert too! It's also good to know about the microwave cake event since my oven fully enjoys bailing on me lately and I had to come up with quite a few microwave cake recipes.
David said…
Wow! That is one deadly combination and sounds great. But pray, do tell, how much of the "various combinations of rum/Grand Marnier and raisins, dates, cranberries" went into the baking and how much directly into the baker?
Suganya said…
'Mwah' for the recipe. Can't wait to try this. Guess I have to finish those apple turnovers and cupcakes to get to this one ;)
Suganya said…
Smita, am back. Guess what, I made these cakes. Gosh, they are easy. And you are right, lose the glaze. Instead, I served it with ice cream. Even better ;). Thanks again for this recipe.
ServesYouRight said…
Suganya - you're my hero :-) You totally crack me up :-) Delighted that they worked for you!

Suganya said…
Wait till I show off at my next dinner party ;)
Ginny said…
Thank you for participating! Looks very great! I am always looking for a quick chocolate fix! awesome!
ServesYouRight said…
Srivalli - you're on to me! See you at the MEC-Cakes Round-up!

Lore - God bless ovens! However, now that its getting warmer, I'm lokoing for reasons to switch to the microwave ;-)
ServesYouRight said…

You cast baseless aspersions on my faultless character. Or faultless aspersions on my baseless character :-D

Regardless, the cakes were yum! And I will be replenishing my alcohol reserves. Cheers!

Traveling Tummy said…
Hi Smita - these look so yummy and easy! I'm going to have to try them soon.
Tracy said…
What an interesting recipe! It looks great!
Mallika said…
Three events in one unbelievably good recipe. Woman - you hit the jackpot. Bookmarked for my next dinner party!
Marc said…
Smita this looks delicious! I'm so tempted to go make some now, but it's getting late and I ate half a mini cuban pork roast an hour ago, so I think I'll have to add it to my list.
Marc said…
Okay I gave into temptation and made these, subbed butter for the oil and soymilk for the milk. DELICIOUS!
ServesYouRight said…
Ginny, Travelling Tummy, Tacy and Mallika - thanks!

The three events all sounded interesting to me. I'd like to think of the microwave raisin cakes as an intersection or a node to reconcile all the different themes :-) Very zen, huh!

ServesYouRight said…

Is that you, Marc (?!) the one that moves people to verse :-)

Delighted to hear that they worked for you. Was tickled pink to hear from you in such short order.

AnuZi said…
OOO smita those look sooo good. Very innovative I must say :o)
FH said…
Looks so yum! I will try, my son loves Chocolate cake. I made Orange Streusel cake in the MW, surprised to see it works so well!:))
Deepa Kuber said…
cake looks so good..loved it.
i have tagged u for 10 pictures meme. u can do it if u r interested.
Cakelaw said…
As soon as I looked at the picture and the words "Chocolate" and "orange", I was in heaven!
Anonymous said…
the title of this recipe alone has got my mouth watering! and only 20 minutes-that makes this even more amazing! thanks for sharing :)

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