Watch and Learn

I'm away from home this week, gentle reader. And yes, I'm homesick for snow. Remembered a recent tryst with Pear and Gorgonzola on Flat Bread (picture above) and thought I'd share.
All is well at my end. Travel is delightful, the men here hold doors open for me and call me m'am :-) Learning much, doing alright, barring the occasional frumpiness. Those with strong stomachs may continue reading...
When ever theres a stressful presentation or some such public appearance involved, invariably, I go and get my hair cut. Of all the asinine ideas! I always tell myself that a haircut will be relaxing and I will look better. Ergo, I will be confident, competent, etc and ace the presentation. Ha ha.
The hair styling process is fraught with existential crises. Most people are stunned when they find out I go to great lengths to get my hair to look the way it does. I have considered launching Bad Hair Anonymous. At the hair salon, I usually go in and ask them to get a couple inches off my current hair and put layers in. Inevitably I end up looking like a cross between Rajnikanth and Farah Fawcett, with a little Ace Ventura thrown in for good measure. I kid you not. Patients at clinic are kind to me when they see my hair disability.
I've even tried picking Asian and Hispanic hair dressers, in the hope that they may be more familiar with working with my kind of hair. The Asian hairdresser kept up a litany of hair removal services as she cut my hair. If I weren't suspended in a rotating chair, I would have happily gone for her jugular. The Hispanic hairdresser tried in vain to find a topic of conversation. She asked me if I had kids, if I was married, finally, if I had a cat! That was truly the worst hair cut in a long time. I guess she figured I didn't really need to look good. Next time, I am going to get my story together. I will lie through my teeth but will walk out looking completely gorgeous. Just you wait!
ROFL. Ya, you don't even have a cat to admire your haircut.. :P
But what's the use of a hair-cut post without the accompanying picture? :)
T-Dna - Please find a different way to scare the mice in your attic :-)
To tell you the truth even I get butterflies in my stomach when I go for my hair cut.
The haircut-story reminds me to tell you about the time, last year, when I went to get my eyebrows & chin waxed. Once finished, the beautician asked if I wanted her to do something about my mustache. Being pretty tired, I responded with a shrug & muttered, "No, let it go", to which she took on a shocked expression & squealed, "Really?"
This experience gave my ego the boost it needed.
Love, jaia
Jaia - Welcome! and keep visiting :-D
You see right through my ploys, favorite in-law!! Thrilled to bits to hear from you :-)